Posted in Life, Ministry

Kenya (July 16 in Kisii)

Day two of the clinic began much like day one, with an early bus ride out to the church and a quick clinic setup. Rev. Shaun Trump gave a morning devotion for us, and we started in. The crowds were much bigger today, with many more children.

One mother brought in her son along with doctor’s reports and a cat scan. Dr. Jon had to let her know that there’s was nothing they could do. In fact, the boy was dying and wouldn’t last long. They found me and I prayed with them and committed them to God’s care. I was very glad to hear that the child had been baptized.

We had to send many of the waiters home after lunch because we gave priority to the mothers with children. Steven, the local project coordinator, found me when the group was getting restless and had me preach a little on waiting.

As the clinic day was coming to a close, a number of local children gathered to watch. I wasn’t too busy, so I hopped the fence and ran around an adjacent field with them. It was so much fun. I’m going to get more of the team involved tomorrow.

At one point in the day, I was talking with the bishop about moms who were insisting their children were very sick to get to the front of the line. He said, “You’re right. This isn’t good. Let’s go have some sugar cane!” His brother had brought some over and he grabbed a machete and chopped off a piece for me.

Alice, the head teacher for the K-8 school adjacent to the church took me on a walking tour of her campus. She was so proud, especially of their much improved test scores last year. Each class is around 45 student, crammed into a 20×14 foot space. The school day goes from 6:30 am to 5:00 pm. Some students come early and stay late to do more reading.

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